I used to have a recurring dream when I was younger. It was very freaky and surreal, I'd be standing in this vast vast landscape, like a very flat and totally white desert, where I could see for miles. In the distance a giant 1p coin would be rolling slowly in the far distance, but as it was so big, the coin would still look massive. That was basically all that ever happened...

I was walking along a pier with the sea on one side, and gift shops on the other. It was a coldish summers day, a typical British seaside, but nowhere in particular. It smelt like fishy ice cream and sounded of noisy children and even noisier gulls. I wondered idly into a little shop that sold crab shells and glass beads and dream catchers. I remember vividly picking up a tiny dried seahorse when I suddenly realised, for the first time in my whole life, I was aware of the fact I was dreaming. I new it wouldn’t last long and I would wake soon so I acted fast. I turned and ripped a metal rack off the wall that was holding beaded bracelets and threw it as hard as I could at the jolly old lady behind the till.

… I’m not a violent person in real life, I suppose that’s why I did it?

... the marzipan car part (bottom right) as it is perhaps my favourite dream for a long time. It was so short and sweet; I was walking along the tram lines that run all over Cologne, with my two of my best friends in the world, as well as two trees (one called Jim, one called Bob). We were on a stretch of tramline that runs past the design school I was at in Cologne. This stretch is lined with trees (so Jim and Bob enjoyed it) and there is a lot of grass growing up between the tracks (which in my dream was really soft and bouncy like a really gooood carpet). All of a sudden, my friend looked up and pointed, with a shocked expression: "Look at that!! A marzipan car!!!" There was indeed a marzipan car flying through the sky, using its doors as wings to propel itself. I said simply: "Yes, the marzipan car can fly." With that, the marzipan car tooted its horn with the Daah Dah Dah Daaaaaah tune (you all know it really, just say it out loud) and flew off into the distance. My friend said "That's Infotainment, Folks!" And then I woke up. Brilliant. 

I was driving on a familiar road and my vision started to change.
Everything went hazy as if I was starting to go blind.
I felt the car start to swerve, going round and round in circles.
There was nothing I could do.
My vision started to come back so I could see, through haziness, the wall coming to smash into my car. 

I was with my family and grampa on a sandstrip in the middle of the sea. We could see other islands nearby, but couldn't swim to them because the water was full of sharks. Somehow we fashioned a catapult and proceeded to send everyone flying through the air to the other islands. However, once the penultimate person, (I think it was william) was catapulted off into the air, I realised there was nobody to catapult ME to safety. I attempted to do it myself, but ended up sinking to the bottom of the sea, I could see sharks circling around above me, but weirdly I could still breathe, so I just lay there on the seabed until I woke up.

The only dream I remember clearly enough to recount I had when I was maybe 4 or 5. I entered a castle kind of like the one in Mario Kart and was walking down a red corridor somewhere in the castle and it had all of these black bin bags floating at the sides. As I walked down the corridor fire started coming from the bags and I somehow knew there were dragons in the bags. I then woke up and spent the rest of the night in my parents bed.

I always dream of being a hosepipe,

I would be lying and still they would drag me.

This is part of a dream..I wish I could remember the whole thing..maybe the rest was boring...
I was in this very busy futuristic city, like the ones you see in science fiction films, with massive, tall buildings, roads that wind up in between the buildings and up into the sky and flying cars.. I was on the street, at the doorway of a shop, although I don' t remember seeing the interior of the shop. In front of me was a large tank, I can't remember if it was filled with water or not.. Inside the tank where lots of weird creatures that looked like really fat worms, or leeches. I was somehow controlling the worms, either by controls and buttons on the outside of the tank or by altering the routs and images on a map I was holding.. I'm confused about that; I had this dream a long time ago and for some reason I can imagine  both these things as being in my dream... Anyway, I was deciding what these worms would do next; where they would go, how they would move, what they would do.... The cool part was that the worms in the tank represented these giant (as big as dinosaurs) worms that where roaming the city in front of me... so whatever I made the tank worms do, the giant worms did around the city... and that' s all I can remember. 

I’m falling down a slope, a mountain. It is covered in crisp white powder which tumbles after me. I hit something more firm and my body lays limp. My eyes stagger for something clear but every vision is a flash.

I gain perspective.

The light is blinding from reflection and I crawl over a mound where my skin




There are patches of foliage bursting through the crystals that surround me.

Poppy is sitting above me, her muzzle into the distance staring at the surrounding blank screen. She edges herself under my left arm and my upper body rises.

I am over the ridge, beyond any life, standing on a wall peering down.

My arms descend. My shoulders and spine follow. Legs flail to their beginning until the water clears.

Arms plunge through the depths while glistening spheres of air float upwards, there is an image above this surface. Tall white peeks map the skyline.

You are here.

I've dreamt of Someone
But can't remember who.
I've dreamt of Somewhere
But can't remember where.
I've dreamt at times
But I can't recall.
For when I do
I'll give you a call. 

A rocky cover, surfing shore dumps,
Under the stars, blood spilled,
Terrors in the water...
An escape to reach enlightenment,
Atop an interminable climb.

I dream of fruit larger than houses. Last time, it was a watermelon. A giant, square watermelon. They brought it on the back of a lorry, and unloaded it in our field. Then they asked us what we wanted. How many rooms? A bathroom? Where do you want the kitchen? What about windows? Then they set to work, cutting the flesh of the fruit with kitchen knives until they have formed each room, doorway and window. Then the plasterers come; then the decorators. Job done. 

I have been having these dreams for a while now; each time with a different fruit.

Healthy Living, I suppose.

This blog is a forum of dreams and situations created for Emilia Muller-Ginorio by the people who love her.