I’m falling down a slope, a mountain. It is covered in crisp white powder which tumbles after me. I hit something more firm and my body lays limp. My eyes stagger for something clear but every vision is a flash.

I gain perspective.

The light is blinding from reflection and I crawl over a mound where my skin




There are patches of foliage bursting through the crystals that surround me.

Poppy is sitting above me, her muzzle into the distance staring at the surrounding blank screen. She edges herself under my left arm and my upper body rises.

I am over the ridge, beyond any life, standing on a wall peering down.

My arms descend. My shoulders and spine follow. Legs flail to their beginning until the water clears.

Arms plunge through the depths while glistening spheres of air float upwards, there is an image above this surface. Tall white peeks map the skyline.

You are here.